sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2015

A Fragile Peace Without Science - Delasnieve Daspet -

A Fragile Peace  Without Science Delasnieve Daspet
          Translation by Pedro Silva
I have come to think, that peace
Is not entwined in the mind
Of man…
Where the strongest rule over
Among all of these nations
Of man…
Difference of skin and culture
Creates an ingrained intolerance
That moves the collected conscious…
Each difference worsens this earth,
Harmony cannot be found
For a dialogue to open…
Without our full attention
Peace will be lost!
Campo Grande-MS, Brazil - July 20, 2015
Delasnieve Daspet
Ambassadeur Universel  de la Paix
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix - Suisse/France
Representant  Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix - Section Brésil
Peace Ambassador in Brazil - IFLAC PAVE PEACE -  The International Forum For
the Literature  and a Culture of Peace,  Israel
World Philosophical Forum – Athens/Greece - UNESCO
Universel  Peace Federations - Seoul/Korea - ONU
International Intellectual Peace Academy - Bareli/ India
100 Thousand Poets for Change - USA
Caravana Cultural Delasnieve Daspet
Associação Internacional de Poetas
Cidadã da Terra - Século XXI -
http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/board/bran/bra/index.htm - UNESCO
Membro  da  Global Harmony Association (GHA)  - St. Petersburg, Russia -
Membro WCP/WAAC and Poets - World Academy Arts and Culture  E.P Justice - Seoul /  USA - UNESCO


A fragilidade da paz
 Delasnieve Daspet
Chego a pensar que a paz
Não se encontra enraizada
Na mente do homem.
A lei do mais forte
Impera entre as nações
E o homem.
Divergências étnicas, racismo,
Intolerâncias de todos os tipos
Deveriam mobilizar a consciencia universal...
As  diferenças exarcebam
Não  existe  harmonia
Para que o dialogo prospere.
Sem a atenção coletiva
A  paz não é encontrada
DD_Delasnieve Daspet, 20 julho de 2015

"To Strengthen of International Peace and Security"


22.1. Message to BRICS Leaders: toEstablish International Academy of Global Peace

BRICS’s Priority:
"To Strengthen of International Peace and Security"

International Academy of Global Peace (IAGP):
Message to BRICS and other Peaceful States Leaders
From more than 130 Coauthors of Global Peace Science of 32Countries:Establish IAGP toAchieve Peace through Science.
The GHA 52nd Project
Approved by the Coauthors on September 24, 2015


© Global Harmony Association, 2015
© Leo M. Semashko, 2015

President of Russia - Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister of India - NarendraModi
President of the People's Republic of China - Xi Jinping
President of Brazil - DilmaRousseff
President of South Africa - Jacob Zuma
President of Kazakhstan - NursultanNazarbayev
Prime Minister of Malaysia - NajibRazak
And leaders of other peaceful states of the world.

The Global Harmony Association (GHA), which comprises more than 600 individual members from 65 countries and has created for 10 years of peacemaking work the first in history version of "Global Peace Science" (GPS), presented in same name book on the Russian (2015) and English (2016: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585) languages by more than 130 coauthors including the former President of India, Abdul Kalam, Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan, pioneer of peace studies Johan Galtung and many other distinguished scholars and peacemakers,
as joint bridge of world peace through science and spiritual partnership
for the beginning of 20-25 experts and scholars, for example in Russia, Simferopol that will make Crimea by the BRICS scientific center.
The IAGP purposes aredevelopmentof Global Peace Science (GPS) as innovative transformation of peacethinking, trainingof the professional peacemakers with Bachelor, Master and DoctorDegrees of Peacemaking Science and diffusionof GPS.
The method of its development is democratic consolidation in IAGP the scientific groups from different countries with different scientific approaches to peace.The IAGP Project and its broad scientific and cultural substantiation are presented in our GPS book.
IAGP Vision: Creating a new multipolar and harmonious world order excluding the war to ensure peace and prosperityto all nations.
Global peace can be achieved on our planet only on the base of peace sciencein the 21st century. This science should be created.This science integrates the spiritual potential of humanity peacefulness of all its nations, cultures and civilizations as shown in our book.
We all together with you see that peace in our time is as fragile as it was 100 years ago - in 1914, as 75 years ago - in 1939, before the two world wars of the most bloody 20th century. Humanity is once again on the verge of world war but now nuclear, unprecedented in its victims, which will be calculated into billions if it will survive generally. War constantly wins peace because it has one absolute advantage - military science, science killing by the most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction. This science was established more than two centuries ago and since then all governments cherish it with the fattest military budgets. Now the governments and nations do not know how to escape from it, released to freedom, military jinn. War begins with the head, with science. Put an end to them can also only by reason and science that Einstein saidelse.
But in contrast to war, peace is still deprived of own science that does not allow to strengthen it with stable social consciousness, free from tearing subjectivity of many different approaches to peace. Scientific understanding of peace will free it from its historical weakness, raise it at the current level, strengthen spiritually and provide it with decent support and funding of all states.
Only with the help of this science humanity can be freed from the threat of new wars and ensure stable peace. All the tools of peace: Peace-building departments in governments, peace education, culture of peace, interfaith harmony, disarmament, Global Peace Constitution, international law, peaceful resolution of conflicts and the like can be effective only in a single complex with GPS.
The first practical step towards global peace based on science is IAGPcreating. It is the historical mission and taskof the BRICS, which you are able to decide to bring humanity to peace and rid it from the new and catastrophic wars. This saving for peace cultural and humanitarian initiative can arrive only from youas leaders of a peaceful global community. Another way to global peace does not exist.If there would another way, then peace would have reigned on the planet long ago. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the absence of this key condition for peace - the science –by collective democratic efforts in the IAGP.
The IAGP project is inextricably linked with two earlier projects of GHA:
1. World Harmony/Peace Academy (WHPA, 2008): http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=277 and
2. World Harmony Center (WHC, 2013) by Ukrainian architect Oleg Bodnar: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=ru_c&key=633 (11.4).
All three projects can find integral incarnation and the most convenient location in the Crimea, Simferopol as a university city, which will become the BRICS world academic center and symbol of global peace from harmony on the scientific foundation.

Global Peace Science coauthors, your confederates in peace:
(At the GHA suggestion the first twenty coauthors from 13 countries in the list below are the IAGP ‘thinking tank’ whose composition can vary).

1. Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA President, GPS Editor, Philosopher and Sociologist, Russia
2. Julia Budnikova, Expert in Roerich creativity, President, GHA-Russia
3. Yuri Ztimbalist, Engineer and Writer, Russia
4. Dr. Subhash Chandra, Educator, GHA Secretary General, India
5. Dr. Surendra Pathak, Linguist, President, GHA-India
6. Dr. Narayanam N. Murthy, Environmentalists, India
7. DelasnieveDaspet, Peacemaker, Brazil
8. Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize (1976), Nobel Women's Initiative, Ireland
9. Dr. Stephen Mennell, Professor Emeritus, University College Dublin, Sociologist, Ireland
10. Dr. Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Sociologist, Germany
11. Dr. Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, National Academy of Sciences, Economist, Kazakhstan
12. Dr. Roger Kotila, Psychologist, USA
13. Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert,Professor of Religion and Society, USA
14. Dr. Kurt Johnson, Biologist, USA
15. Dr. Francois Houtart, Professor Emeritus, Catholic University Louvain, Sociologist, Belgium
16. Ayo Ayoola-Amale, PresidentGHA-Africa, Lawyer, Ghana
17. Heli Habyarimana, GHA Vice-president, Linguist, Rwanda
18. Dr. Robert J. Burrowes, Researcher of human violence,Sociologist, Australia
19. Dr. Gopala Krishnan, Historian, President,GHA-Malaysia
20. Dr. Bishnu Pathak, Political Scientist, Nepal
21. Dr. Charles Mercieca, President, Int. Ass.of Educators for World Peace, Historian, USA
22. Kanakmal Dugar, Chancellor, the IASE University of Gandhi, India
23. Dr. Subhash Sharma, Director, Indus Business Academy, Economist, India
24. Dr. Norman Kurland, President, Center for Economic and Social Justice, Economist, USA
25. Dr. Justo BolekiaBoleka, Professor of French Studies, University of Salamanca, Spain
26. Reimon Bachika, Professor Emeritus, Bukkyo University,Sociologist, Japan
27. Dr. Ernesto Kahan, GHA Vice-President; Prof. Emeritus, Tel Aviv Un-ty, Physician, Israel
28. TakisIoannides, GHA Vice President,Writer, Greece
29. Dr. Chinta M. Yogi, Founder, Society for Value Education, Teacher, Nepal
30. Adolf Shvedchikov, Chemist, Writer, Russia
31. Guy Crequie, Peacemaker, Writer, France
And other the GPS coauthors. Thefull list of more than 130 coauthors from 32 countries ishere:http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=585

Building a Nation of Peace - Construir uma Nação de Paz - Delasnieve Daspet

Building a Nation of Peace - Construir uma Nação de Paz Delasnieve Daspet
Todos nós, os sonhares e ativistas, o povo, todos, indistintamente, temos grande responsabilidade de construirmos e de nos posicionarmos em favor da paz.Temos de trilhar caminhos diferentes que nos levem a paz e a justiça social, que tenha respeito pelos direitos humanos e pelas necessidades do homem. Que possamos levar a todos mensagens de amor e de esperança. Conscientizar o humano de que ele não foi feito para a guerra. O complicador é que a paz não se vende, não se compra, não se determina. Sem esforço ela não existirá. E, tem primeiramente, nascer no coração de cada ser humano. Se não houver paz em cada um como haverá paz do povo e de uma nação? 

A paz é nossa obrigação. Obrigação de cada um de nós. Ela tem de existir em nosso lar. Temos de ensiná-la aos nossos filhos. Eles tem de aprender o respeito a si próprio e aos seus semelhantes; a conviver com os diferentes, que tem direitos e deveres, e, resolver seus problemas.A paz é tão frágil que devemos trabalhar todos os momentos em sua construção. A paz se vive. A paz é justiça. É o não existir fome. É não ter sede. É ter educação, saúde e segurança. É solidariedade. Paz é ver reconhecida a dignidade de cada ser como pessoa. É saber a diferença entre o bem e o mal. Respeitar a vida, o meio ambiente. É o não existir da violência. Respeitar as virtudes. A paz se encontra na caridade, não como esmola, mas como amor. 

Os frutos da Paz são a justiça e o bem comum que serão conseguidos com o calar das divergências religiosas. Na força e no querer de todos os herdeiros dos profetas, o que deveria ser chamado de um Acordo Geral de Paz, em nome de Deus Criador, procurando-se a reconciliação de todos os envolvidos. Restaurando e regenerando a unidade entre os povos e da vontade de construir, de crescer, de caminhar para a busca da esperança, assumindo o desejo de construirmos uma sociedade na qual possamos caminhar na busca do inalienável direito a dignidade inerente ao ser humano. Devemos  agir em conjunto pelo nascimento de um novo mundo. Um mundo onde a justiça, trabalho, alimento, saúde e prosperidade seja direito de todos. 

*Delasnieve Daspet.
Ambassadeur Universel  de la Paix
Cercle Universel des Ambassadeurs de la Paix - Suisse/France
Representant  Cercle Universel des Ambassadeur de la Paix - Brésil (Section )
Iflac Pave Peace - Israel - Representante no Brasil
World Philosophical Forum – Athens/Greece - UNESCO
Universel  Peace Federations - Seoul/Korea - ONU
International Intellectual Peace Academy - Bareli/ India
100 Thousand Poets for Change - USA
Caravana Cultural Delasnieve Daspet
Associação Internacional de Poetas
Cidadã da Terra - Século XXI - 
http://wpf-unesco.org/eng/board/bran/bra/index.htm - UNESCO
Membro  da  Global Harmony Association (GHA)  - St. Petersburg, Russia -
Membro WCP/WAAC and Poets - World Academy Arts and Culture  E.P Justice - Seoul /  USA - UNESCO